Rewind 96.1
© New Zealand Broadcasting School 2025


Kirstyn Collins
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Are you a dog or cat person?


When choosing which pet suits both your lifestyle and personality you must take many things into consideration. Such as…


  1. How much spare time do you have?
  2. How much room do you have to dedicate to a future pet?
  3. How much money do you have to invest into your future pet?
  4. Why do you want a pet? 


  1. How much spare time do you have?


Cats, as pets, require less upkeep than dogs, which require companionship, exercise, training, and so on. They do, however, require care, just like any other pet, and some cats require more care than others. Do you want to spend a lot of time with your cat, do you want it to be demanding, or do you just have a certain amount of time? Cats are more adaptable to hectic, contemporary lifestyles than dogs because they are more independent, can be left alone for long periods of time, and are better suited to smaller flats or homes. Cats are frequently selected by people who lead busy and hectic lives and want some company when they get home to unwind. 


  1. How much room do you have to dedicate to a future pet? 


Cats can live in smaller spaces, however, dogs require more space to romp about in. Cats can be kept indoors, but dogs must be walked on a regular basis — at least twice daily. If you are unable to cater to a suitable environment for a future dog then the odds fall more towards a cat ideally. Although this may be altered depending on your willingness to create an ideal environment for a dog to excel in then by all means, go for it!


  1. How much money do you have to invest into your future pet?


Adopting a pet necessitates an investment, both monetarily and in terms of time. Along with a suitable diet, a bed, toys, and numerous accessories, you'll also need to give grooming, enough exercise, and health care for your pet. Although these investments alter depending on the breed of an animal in relation to quantity and price. Some breeds have unlucky hereditary predispositions to medical issues that might be expensive to treat. This is especially important when looking at what age of pet you are after.  As pets in their elderly years typically require greater medical attention.


  1. Why do you want a pet?

You must be truthful with yourself here. Do you prefer a fluffy tiny mate to cuddle on your lap or a huge pal to keep you company while you run? - Which can be answered after considering all points above.  You must decide whether you seek a new best friend to accompany them on family camping vacations and weekend activities; or whether you are looking for a low-maintenance flatmate. Consider the function your pet will play in your household to help you select which pet breed is ideal for you.


Pets, particularly dogs and cats can relieve levels of stress, alleviate loneliness, promote exercise and fun, and even enhance cardiovascular health, although it still requires effort and dedication. Make sure you think hard and long about whether this big life decision is right for you, or furthermore, whether your decision is the right one.